Good news!  You don't need to do realms!
JDBC Realms are specifically for using a database to authenticate users and their roles.
You can use JDBC directly and completely ignore Realms if you want.
However, it is recommended that you NOT put the JDBC code directly into your JSP.  Use beans (see JSP tutorial at or JSP tag libraries (like Jakarta's
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Wednesday, May 09, 2001 6:11 PM
Subject: It will be possible?(JDBC with tomcat 3.2.1)

I'm using IIS and tomcat 3.2.1.
I  was developed JSP page that is need to connect JDBC, so just make DB connection object  in bean class or JSP page .
But, Tomcat doc said about JDBC realm, so I have a question about it will be possible make DBconnection without Java DB connect code.

In /conf  server.xml 
I wonder it looks like weblogic's conf files . 
Weblogic use conf files to connect DB and EJB code just mapping table's Attributes.

Is it possible at tomcat ?
If I settting above driverName,connectionURL....that's all?
Could you show me some examples about Using this DB setting at server.xml ?(like simple JSP code or Servlet code)
I want to know how to use DBsetting in server.xml.
(In my opinion) It will be very useful when someone makes JSP or Servlet code in tomcat..

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