Tomcat has its own ClassLoader implementations (in 3.2,
org.apache.tomcat.loader.*) which can pull the classes from the webapps
directory.  Look up java.lang.ClassLoader for more info.

                                                            -- Bill K.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Dalia, Keith A - TOS-DITT1 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Friday, May 11, 2001 10:56 AM
> Subject: Classpath Question
> I have a question about how the dynamic class path is set 
> based upon  the
> .war file.  I know that whatever classpath is set prior to 
> tomcat startup is
> appended to the classpath in the startup.bat.  Furthermore, 
> whatever .jar
> files that reside in tomcat_home\lib are also dynamically added to the
> classpath and tomcat_home\classes is also put on the 
> classpath.  I have
> verifed this by call a
> System.getProperty("java.class.path") from a servlet.  What I 
> don't fully
> understand is how the contents of the .war files \lib path are seen by
> tomcat since they don't appear when I call
> System.getProperty("java.class.path").  I would really 
> appreicate a bit of
> clarity on this.
> TIA, Keith

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