Hi all,
I am using Tomcat 3.2.1 with Apache 1.3
and I have the following problem:Perhaps that has been asked before, but I
am not sure 

  I want to rewrite a path from a form like  'http://host:port/file.html'   
  to something like
  (Note that  the program works when i use the  second URL form in the
  So that, as it seems that Tomcat doesn't want to use .htaccess file, I
  to write the following instructions:
    LoadModule rewrite_module module/mod_rewrite.dll
    <IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
     RewriteEngine On
     RewriteBase /ContextServlet/
     RewriteRule ^file.html

   in tomcat.conf or server.xml but with no result.  
 Any help will be greatly appreciate.
 Enjoy the rest of the day. 


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