It seems I'm answering my own questions.  I poked around a bit more
in the Tomcat/Catalina documentation and found stuff on realms that helped
a bit.

> realm).  Tomcat wouldn't start since it couldn't find the driver so I made
> a symbolic link (running on RedHat Linux 6.2) in the
> $CATALINA_HOME/common/lib directory to the classes111.jar file from the
> Oracle distribution.  Is that where the Oracle JDBC driver should be put?  I
> also tried it in $CATALINA_HOME/lib but that didn't work.

A symbolic link didn't work at all.  Makes sense I guess.  So I copied the
classes111.jar file from Oracle into the $CATALINA_HOME/server/lib directory.

> I'm getting the following exception when Tomcat starts:
> access denied
>    ( localhost resolve)

I added the following to the catalina.policy file:

grant codeBase "file:${catalina.home}/server/-" {
    permission "localhost:1521", "connect";

And that did it.  Next I have to figure out how to seed (for now) my users
table with MD5 passwords.  Any help there would be welcome.


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