Hi Folks,

I would like to run Tomcat4/Catalina as a service with Apache.
If I uncomment the <Service=Tomcat-Standalone ...> in server.xml Tomcat 
does not start!
Even if I add

<Context path="" docbase="mybase" >

<Host ..>
<Context >

in the "<Service name="Tomcat-Apache>" section

Generaly I use other dirs for webdevelopment as the "webapps" in Tomcat
lets say I have two different dirs, for example:
'd:\1\1\myapp1' and 'd:\1\2\myapp2'

How should I tell the Apache-Connector to lookup for this two dirs?
Do I need to define a virtual host and where(standalone or 
Do I need to maintain the Standalone-Service?
Do I need to have a web.xml in every of my above mentioned dirs?
What has to be the content of such a web.xml in case if it's need?
Here is some stdout of Tomcat if I use the original server.xml with 
"myhost" as "hostname" defined in httpd.conf.

Starting service Tomcat-Standalone
Apache Tomcat/4.0-b5
Starting service Tomcat-Apache
Apache Tomcat/4.0-b5
     New instance created
     Setting connection
     Setting Request ID 0
     Premature packet end (268 of 12064)
     Thread exited
     Connection closed

I added in httpd.conf:

LoadModule module_webapp modules/mod_webapp.dll    # which i build:-)
WebAppConnection myConnection warp myhost:8008
WebAppDeploy myapp myConnection *

I would use the rootdirectory as the "myapp" dir, so I set the [URL-path] 
to *, is that right?

here is some stdoutput of Apache:

D:\systeme>.\Apache\apache.exe -f "d:/systeme/Apache/conf/httpd.conf"
[Mon May 21 13:47:26 2001] 440 
INFO provider initialized
[Mon May 21 13:47:26 2001] 440 
WARP provider initialized
[Mon May 21 13:47:26 2001] 440 
WebApp Library initialized
[Mon May 21 13:47:26 2001] 440 
Created connection "myConnection" (Prov: "warp" Param: "myhost:8008")
[Mon May 21 13:47:26 2001] 440 
Created virtual host "myhost:80"
[Mon May 21 13:47:26 2001] 440 
Created application "myapp" in path "/*/"
[Mon May 21 13:47:26 2001] 440 
Application myapp deployed for http://myhost
0/*/ (Conn: myConnection)
Apache/1.3.19 (Win32) running...

Thanks for some help.


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