Given the following (edited) jsp:
<jsp:useBean id="kk" class="test.TestBean" scope="session" />
<jsp:setProperty name="kk" property="*" />

<form method=post>
        <select single name="testValue1">
        <input type="submit">

        if (kk.isValid())
   <jsp:forward page="/jsp/test2.jsp" />

The jsp works, in that the bean kk is "filled" with the values of the form, 
and if valid, forwards to test2.jsp.  What I don't understand is how: Does 
clicking on "submit" call the compiled jsp (_jspService) on tomcat, which 
then checks the value, or what?

(kk is previously instantiated by a servlet, which returns the page above.)

I should emphasise that this works and is not urgent, but more a question 
of my curiosity... ;)



                           *   Jim Cheesman   *
[EMAIL PROTECTED] - (34)(91) 724 9200 x 2360
                My identity lies 
in not knowing who I am.

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