We are experiencing what seems to be a rather odd, but potentially common
problem. I have a Perl CGI script for another project that writes a bunch
of data into a temp file, then calls another program that reads that file
and creates another temp file with a different extension. The script then
reads that output file, and generates an HTML file to be returned to the
browser. All this runs on a Sun UltraSparc 1 running SunOS 5.7 and
Apache 1.3.12.

Last week I added Tomcat 3.2.1 into the mix, for serving Java servlets.
I even added my own context and got that working. This week, someone
running my first application reported that it was not working. Upon
investigation, the program called by my script is failing, reporting that
it can't create its output file. This originally was in the /tmp directory,
but it failed also trying to access a subdirectory under where the project
scripts reside, and even in a subdirectory of DocumentRoot. Once I disabled
Tomcat and restarted Apache, everything worked just great! Suspicious of my
attempt at the context, I commented that out and restarted everything, with
just the basic contexts in place. My process still failed.

I've searched the archives, looked through the FAQ, and haven't come across
anything. This doesn't sound that out of the ordinary. I'd include a listing
of a problematic file, but I'm at a loss to find anything suspicious to know
which ones to list. Any help anyone can offer would be greatly appreciated.

Dan Olson
Oregon Health & Sciences University

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