
I have strange things happening when running tomcat 3.2.1 on linux on
sun 1.2 jdk.

When tomcat starts, the jvm creates a child-process. the child process
then creates up to 19 child-processes itself. Each of these processes
is taking the same amount of memory, i.e. 14MB! This is ridiculous, my
app is a small one and there is no way it could demand that much memory.
With 20 processes demanding 14MB of memory its bringing my 256MB machine
down to its knees.

Also, as soon as more than one single user is using my webapp, the
jvm hangs and no-one can access anymore servlets or jsp-pages! All I
can do is kill the jvm and restart tomcat, but as soon as more than
one user accesses it it dies again.

Can anyone shed some light on this? I don't know enough about java on
linux to know where to look.



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