That looks like a very old 3.1/ early 3.2 era tomcat config DTD.

again, there is no formal DTD for server.xml and this one certainly isn't


Jann VanOver wrote:

> Here's the DTD that I found in my tomcat\conf directory.  I'm not sure how
> it got there.
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
> <!ELEMENT Server (ContextManager+)>
> <!ATTLIST Server
>     adminPort NMTOKEN "-1"
>     workDir CDATA "work">
> <!ELEMENT ContextManager (Context+, Interceptor*, Connector+)>
> <!ATTLIST ContextManager
>     port NMTOKEN "8080"
>     hostName NMTOKEN ""
>     inet NMTOKEN "">
> <!ELEMENT Context EMPTY>
> <!ATTLIST Context
>     path CDATA #REQUIRED
>     docBase CDATA #REQUIRED
>     defaultSessionTimeOut NMTOKEN "30"
>     isWARExpanded (true | false) "true"
>     isWARValidated (false | true) "false"
>     isInvokerEnabled (true | false) "true"
>     isWorkDirPersistent (false | true) "false">
> <!ELEMENT Interceptor EMPTY>
> <!ATTLIST Interceptor
>     className NMTOKEN #REQUIRED
>     docBase   CDATA #REQUIRED>
> <!ELEMENT Connector (Parameter*)>
> <!ATTLIST Connector
>     className NMTOKEN #REQUIRED>
> <!ELEMENT Parameter EMPTY>
> <!ATTLIST Parameter
>     name CDATA #REQUIRED
>     value CDATA "">
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Paulo J S Pereira [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, May 29, 2001 7:41 AM
> Subject: server.xml DTD
> Hi;
> I am looking for the server.xml DTD ... (if one exists) ... can anyone help?
> TIA!
> Paulo J S Pereira, Java/Web Developer
> Sentricity Inc.,
> A Division of Sentex Communications Corp.,
> 240-E Holiday Inn Dr., Cambridge, Ontario
> N3C3X4 Canada
> 1-519-651-3400 x208


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