Most likely, your problem is the same as the one spelled out here:

                                                            -- Bill K.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Rod Frey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Monday, June 04, 2001 11:53 AM
> Subject: IE calls servlet multiple times for one request
> I've got a threading issue that I can't work out.
> I've got a servlet that gets called from my web application.  It
> takes an object model that's stored in the session, asks the object
> model to cough up a representation of itself in XML-FO, then
> generates a PDF representation using FOP.  It then writes that to the
> response output stream.
> The servlet is mapped to the name "report.pdf:, because using that
> extension seems to be the only way I can get IE to open the thing
> inline, even tho' I call resp.setContentType("application/pdf").  (IE
> reports the content-type as text/html, although other browser seem to
> get it fine).  Other browsers work fine.  That's not the item,
> though. 
> The item is that my servlet gets called four times in succession by
> IE.  Eventually, (on the fourth go), the servlet throws an IO
> exception ("Broken Pipe") on the out.write(byte[]) call that I use to
> write the PDF file to the Servlet's outputstream.  After that, the
> file displays fine in IE.
> Here's the code after the PDF is generated and put into the byte[]
> data:
> outs = resp.getOutputStream();
> resp.setContentType("application/pdf");
> resp.setContentLength(data.length);
> resp.setDateHeader("Expires", 0L);
> resp.setHeader("Cache-Control", "no-cache");
> outs.write(data);
> outs.flush();
> resp.flushBuffer();
> The outputstream is closed in a finally block.
> I've also tried wrapping the outputstream in a bufferedoutput stream.
> I've also tried a call to 
> resp.setBufferSize(data.length);
> neither of which had any effect: IE calls the servlet four times; the
> fourth time the call to outs.write(data) fails with an IO exception,
> and the page displays successfully in the IE window.
> This doesn't happen with other browsers: Netscape and Opera both call
> the servlet only once. I could live with it (big hack: just catch the
> fourth-call IO exception), except generation of the PDF is a 4-5
> second operation.
> The data I'm sending is about 200k in length.
> Any ideas?
> Rod  

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