Have you considered using mod_jk instead? It's supposedly more uptodate 
and has some nice features if you're doing virtual hosting. Read the 
mod_jk-howto file in the tomcat docs.

Tomeu Bennāssar wrote:

>Hi everybody:
>    I'm new in Apache and I'm trying to integrate Tomcat as an
>in-process servlet container of Apache but I can't. I have a SUN ULTRA 1
>running solaris 5.7, Apache 1.3.4 and Tomcat 3.2.2. I'm following the
>Minimalistic User's Guide of Apache, and I'm trying to compile the Jserv
>module (mod_jserv) but it doesn't work. When I execute the build command
>apxs -c -o mod_jserv.so *.c
>I get the next error:
>apxs: Error: Sorry no shared object support for Apache
>apxs: Error: available under your platform. Make sure
>apxs: Error: the apache module mod_so is compiled into
>apxs: Error: your server binary /usr/local/apache/bin/httpd
>I know that this error is not a compilation one, but I don't know to
>correct it.
>Could anyone help me, please?
>PD: The Apache that I´m running on my system is one that I have found
>compiled on the web, because after weeks of works i was unable to
>compile it. Could the fact that I´m using an Apache compiled by someone
>else be part of the problem?

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