They left out a step.  Somewhere around step 5 you need to set the
environment variable JAVA_HOME (and I would suggest setting TOMCAT_HOME so
that the shell script doesn't have to guess).  You can do this at the same
place where they recommend setting the PATH with the following two commands:
setenv JAVA_HOME /usr/local/jdk1.1.8 [enter]
setenv TOMCAT_HOME /home/yourusername/servlets/jakarta-tomcat-3.2.2 [enter]

And this should get you going.  Once you get this working correctly, I would
suggest contacting your hosting company and giving them the corrections.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Mark Senefsky [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, June 06, 2001 7:54 PM
> Subject: Newbie Help
> Greetings all...
> I recently hooked up with a new hosting company and they sent me the
> following directions for compiling and installing Jakarta and Tomcat.
> I hit a snag in the middle (please scroll to // comments) and 
> I don't know
> what to do.
> Solution:
> 1) Open a telnet or SSH session to your Freedom server.
> 2) Download the proper files to your server.
> You are going to need to download both the binary and source 
> versions of
> jakarta for this installation.
> In a web browser connect to Once 
> there click
> Binaries. Under Release Builds select Tomcat 3.2.2 or 
> similar. This will
> bring you to new screen where you will need to find the GZIP 
> compressed
> distribution, right click on it and select "Copy Shortcut".
> Once you have this in your clip board go back in to your telnet window
> and type the following:
> cd [enter]
> mkdir servlets [enter]
> cd servlets [enter]
> Inside telnet prompt at your Freedom server type:
> lynx 
> Then paste in your URL, so you have something like the 
> following and hit
> enter:
> lynx 
> /bin/jakar
> ta-tomcat-3.2.1.tar.gz
> Select d for download
> Once prompted to "save to disk" hit enter
> Press enter to okay the filename.
> Then q and y to accept this quit
> Go back to your browser window and follow the same procedures for
> downloading the source for the same version number of tomcat. The file
> may be something like jakarta-tomcat-3.2.2-src.tar.gz.
> 3) Once you have both of these files in your servlets 
> directory you will
> need to ucompress them.
> In your telnet session type:
> tar xzvf jakarta-tomcat-3.2.2.tar.gz [enter]
> tar xzvf jakarta-tomcat-3.2.2-src.tar.gz [enter]
> 4) Next You will want to compile mod_jserv
> To do this first move in to the proper directory, in this case:
> cd jakarta-tomcat-3.2.2-src/src/native/apache/jserv/ [enter]
> Then type the command to actually compile the module:
> /www/bin/apxs -c -o *.c [enter]
> Once this finishes you should copy the module to a more convenient
> location:
> cp /home/yourusername/servlets/ [enter]
> 5) Next you need to start tomcat.
> To make this easiest I would suggest getting in to the tcsh 
> shell first
> and making sure your PATH includes that java bin directory:
> tcsh [enter]
> setenv PATH /usr/local/jdk1.1.8:$PATH [enter]
> Now start jakarta tomcat:
> /home/yourusername/servlets/jakarta-tomcat-3.2.2/bin/startup.s
> h [enter]
> //------------------------------------------------------------
> ---------
> //
> // I got this message:
> //
> // Guessing TOMCAT_HOME from to
> // /home/senefsky/servlets/jakarta-tomcat-3.2.2/bin/..
> // Setting TOMCAT_HOME to
> // /home/senefsky/servlets/jakarta-tomcat-3.2.2/bin/..
> // Cannot find JAVA. Please set your PATH.
> //
> //------------------------------------------------------------
> ---------
> That will generate a configuration file that you need to backup and
> modify.
> 6) Next you will need to create and modify a backup of the 
> configuration
> file, because this config file is created with the assumption that you
> put mod_jserv in the /www/libexec directory which you do not 
> have access
> to.
> To create a backup of the configuration file type from you telnet
> prompt:
> cd /home/yourusername/servlets/jakarta-tomcat-3.2.2/conf/ [enter]
> cd tomcat-apache.conf my-tomcat-apache.conf [enter]
> Now modify the backed up file:
> pico -w my-tomcat-apache.conf [enter]
> Replace:
> LoadModule  jserv_module libexec/
> With:
> LoadModule  jserv_module /home/yourusername/servlets/
> Finally, type [ctrl]+x, then hit y [enter] to save the file.
> 7) Now you want to add this new file to your apache configuration.
> Add the following line to the bottom of your httpd.conf file:
> Include 
> /home/yourusername/servlets/jakarta-tomcat-3.2.2/conf/my-tomca
> t-apache.c
> onf
> 8) Enable tomcat to work through Apache
> Do this by restarting Apache, which can be done with the following
> command:
> apachectl restart [enter]
> To verify it is running try going to the following pages:
> Thanks in advance...
> Mark
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