Check your error-page directive in the web.xml file for the web app.
It sounds like what is happening is that you are requesting the file and
when its not found, it requests the error page, which isn't found, which
requests the error page, which isn't found, etc.  I believe that this have
been fixed in the later 3.2 versions (you might try the recently released
3.2.2), but it is only caused by a configuration issue.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Andreas Loehr [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Friday, June 08, 2001 10:24 AM
> Subject: crashing tomcat with "file not found"
> Hi !
> Has anybody experienced the following:
> (I'm working with TomCat 3.2 under NT4, standalone)
> I set up my application correctly, it works fine.
> But when I try to access a file that does not exist, like:
> http://hostname/appname/notExistingFile.extension
> then TomCat generates infinite requests for that file which finally
> leads to a stack overflow which finally crashed tomcat
> Any ideas ?

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