hi all , i want to ask something about jsp pages 

sample jsp code  = 
<%@ page import = "java.util.*" %>
<%@ page import = "MyBean" %>
<%@ page contentType="text/html;charset=ISO-8859-9" %>

<jsp:useBean id="my_bean" class="MyBean" scope="page"/>


                        ArrayList al = new ArrayList();         
                        mybean.showData(al); // we are going to fill
                        Iterator it = al.iterator();
                        while( it.hasNext() ) {
                } //while
                al = null ; // should i  do this ?  or is it going to be
garbage collected by itself 
                it = null  ; // shoul i do this   ?     or is it going to be
garbage collected by itself 


my_bean  object will be garbage collected  because it' scope is page but
what about  ArrayList and Iterator  objects  ? 



Altug B. Altıntas


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