
I have a servlet that accepts POST requests to upload files. From a java
program, I create a batch of files and upload them one after the other. The
strange problem that I'm having is that the first file is uploaded, the
second file fails, the third file is uploaded, the fourth fails, the fifth
is uploaded ... and so on.
The Apache log: - - [14/Jun/2001:17:02:19 +0200] "POST /mmservlets/MFS
HTTP/1.1" 200 119 - - [14/Jun/2001:17:02:20 +0200] "POST /mmservlets/MFS
HTTP/1.1" 500 608 - - [14/Jun/2001:17:02:24 +0200] "POST /mmservlets/MFS
HTTP/1.1" 200 119 - - [14/Jun/2001:17:02:25 +0200] "POST /mmservlets/MFS
HTTP/1.1" 500 608 - - [14/Jun/2001:17:02:28 +0200] "POST /mmservlets/MFS
HTTP/1.1" 200 119 - - [14/Jun/2001:17:02:28 +0200] "POST /mmservlets/MFS
HTTP/1.1" 500 608

I have always used servletrunner for this servlet and recently changed to
Tomcat. The servlet always worked, so I guess that's not the problem. I give
the correct parameters to the http connection, but the servlet doesn't get
the parameters in the request.
This problem does not occur when I run Tomcat standalone, only when I
redirect a webserver to Tomcat. I have tested with Apache and IIS and both
give the same results.

I'm running:
  Apache 1.3.20
  Tomcat 3.2.2
  WinNT 4.0 (server)
I have tried ajp12 and ajp13.

Now I'm all out of ideas because sometimes it works (so my configuration
should be ok) and sometimes it doesn't. Can anybody help me?

Raf Lenaerts
Software engineer

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