Scott Tatum has a page on virtual hosting.  I think it is very informative.

I am not sure if he still can be reached at:

These are the subjects that he addressed at one time:
 1. Introduction
> 2. Virtual Hosting Options
> 2.1 Tomcat Standalone
> 2.2 Tomcat with Apache
> 2.2.1 Apache + Single Tomcat Instance
> 2.2.2 Apache + Multiple Tomcat Instances
> 2.4 AJP12 vs. AJP13
> 2.5 General Do's and Dont's
> 3. Configuring Tomcat Standalone
> 3.1 Configuration Files Involved
> 3.2 Modifying server.xml
> 4. Configuring Tomcat + Single Tomcat Instance
> 4.1 Configuration Files Involved
> 4.2 Configuring server.xml
> 4.3 Configuring workers.properties
> 4.4 Configuring uriworkermap.properties
> 4.5 Configuring mod_jk.conf
> 4.6 Testing and Troubleshooting
> 5. Configuring Tomcat + Multiple Tomcat Instances
> 4.1 Configuration Files Involved
> 4.2 Creating and Configuring Separate server.xml Files
> 4.3 Configuring workers.properties
> 4.4 Configuring uriworkermap.properties
> 4.5 Configuring mod_jk.conf
> 4.6 Testing and Troubleshooting


----- Original Message -----
From: "Jason Koeninger" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, June 16, 2001 5:29 PM
Subject: Virtual Hosts

> Let me see if I can take a different approach on these
> questions.  I've done a few different configurations for
> virtual hosting and haven't been very pleased with
> any of them.  So, what I'd like to know is how people on
> this list recommend you do virtual hosting.  In our particular
> situation, we have Apache 1.3.19 with mod_jk on one
> system and Tomcat 3.3m3 on another.  There are both
> name-based virtual hosts and virtual hosts with unique
> IP addresses on the same system.
> I have several ideas I plan to try to fix some problems I've
> run into, but I'd appreciate any recommendations from the
> list before I waste a lot more time.
> Just to let you know, I've tried using Tomcat's built in virtual
> hosting and was reasonably successful if Tomcat was on the
> same machine as Apache.  However, IP address-based hosts
> with my current configuration are exposing JSP code when the
> IP address is used in the request.  I've used mod_rewrite to rewrite
> the URL, but I still have problems on clients that don't send the
> HTTP 1.1 request that includes the host name.
> Once upgraded to Tomcat 3.3m3, name-based hosting seems
> to work fine in this setup, and any potential problems will likely be
> worked out with mod_rewrite.  However, some clients want an
> IP.  So, my next thought is to alias private IP addresses to the
> Tomcat machine for each unique host and use different workers
> for each host in the JkMount directives in the VirtualHost sections
> of Apache's configuration.  The down-side to that is in Tomcat 3.2,
> I was having to include Host entries in server.xml for each unique
> IP and each unique host name.
> Anyway, if you have any recommendations, I'd love to hear them.
> If I had the time, I'd just dig into the code and figure this stuff out,
> I don't have the time just yet.
> Best Regards,
> Jason Koeninger
> J&J Computer Consulting
> http://www.jjcc.com

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