I believe you can use the command "nohup" if you want to start the service
remotely and then close the virtual terminal.  The syntax is:

nohup <command>.  So to to start tomcat you could say: "nohup ./startup.sh".
It also conveniently starts a logfile for any stdio or stderr messages
called nohup.out.

-----Original Message-----
From: Mario Vera [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, June 20, 2001 2:18 PM
Subject: start up tomcat from a virtual terminal


I have installed Tomcat 3.2 on SUN10000 SERVER (O.S. Solaris 2.7),I start up
Tomcat from a remote machine using a virtual terminal, if I close the
terminal window, TOMCAT shut down too.

I have tried to use Telnet to start up TOMCAT, but this way the X SERVER
cannot started

Any idea will be appreciated.

Thank you

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