Apologies for being a clueless newbie, but I've been beating my head on 
this for the last week.

I'm setting up a new webapp.  It needs to interact with a C++ 
library.  (There are reasons it needs to be in C++.  Really there 
are.)  Since I've never done JSP or JNI before, I figured I'd get a 
skeletal application going - all I'm trying to do is have a .jsp page 
communicate with a C library.  So first I thought I'd better set up a Java 
Bean and get my jsp talking to that, and then maybe I can see about talking 
to JNI.  That first part went great.  Since I'd had trouble with it before, 
I very carefully verified that recreating my .class file (in 
ROOT/WEB-INF/classes) actually modified my bean.  I even managed to use 
both get and set methods.  All was going well.

Then I added the native interface code to the bean:
     public native int getInt(int arg);

     static {

I'd tested this code in a normal java application, and it worked 
fine.  When I tried to load the Bean from JSP though, not only did it not 
work (I failed to copy the error message, sorry), but it stopped reloading 
the class when I recompile it.  Restarting Tomcat did not help.

So, first things first -- how do I get Tomcat to see new versions of the class?

After that, anybody have pointers on how to get JSP to talk to JNI?

Thanks in advance
        Matthew Lerner

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