
What if the V_$OPEN_CURSOR is not present in the SYS schema. Using the DBA
Studio, I looked through all the schemas and users and V_$OPEN_CURSOR
doesn't exist anywhere. Would it be under an alternative name?

 - Adam

At 08:32 AM 6/21/2001 -0700, you wrote:
>These look like two different issues:
>1) Oracle is running out of cursors.
>  a) Make sure you close every ResultSet, Statement and Connection when
>you're done with them.  One trick you can use on Oracle is to log into the
>database in SQL*Plus as SYS while your application is running, and do,
>to see the SQL for the cursors you have open.
>  b) Try reusing connections and (prepared) statements wherever possible
>(assuming you use a common Oracle logon for all your accesses).
>  c) Up the number of allowed open cursors, by putting
>       open_cursors = 500
>or so in your database's init.ora file.
>2) Tomcat is running out of threads.
>  Are you actually getting dozens of people connecting at the same time?
>Try increasing the "max_threads" parameter for PoolTcpConnector in your
>                                        -- Bill K. 
>-----Original Message-----
>Sent: Thursday, June 21, 2001 8:16 AM
>Subject: Re: mysteriously dying connections (Oracle <-> tomcat)
>Same here but we have the stopping of the tomcatserver very frequently.
>At the end of the term when the students (aprox 50 working at the same time)
>got very busy the tomcatserver
>stoped replying frequently. We have a configuration with
> Two Sun Sparc Solaris 7 Servers both tomcat 3.2.1 & 3.2.2 and one Oracle817
>Server on Soalris 7 
>Once I traped this error:
>2001-06-19 07:41:23 - ThreadPool: Pool exhausted with 100 threads.
>2001-06-19 09:02:25 - ThreadPool: Caught exception executing
>org.apache.tomcat.service.TcpWorkerThread@3598c3, terminating thread - 
>        at org.apache.tomcat.util.ThreadPool.runIt(
>        at
>        at
>        at
>As you can see between 07:41:23 & 09:02:25 (the shutdown of the tomcat
>server) there was no activity except angry students (times are pm).
>And this:
>2001-06-20 04:51:10 - Ctx( /a9303541 ): Exception in: R( /a9303541 +
>/servlet/shop1 + null) - java.lang.NullPointerException
>        at shopmanager.<init>(
>        at shop1.<init>(
>        at java.lang.Class.newInstance0(Native Method)
>        at java.lang.Class.newInstance(
>        at
>        at
>        at org.apache.tomcat.core.Handler.service(
>        at
>        at
>        at
>        at
>        at
>        at
>        at
>2001-06-20 05:01:12 - ThreadPool: Caught exception executing
>org.apache.tomcat.service.TcpWorkerThread@2c7887, terminating thread - 
>        at org.apache.tomcat.util.ThreadPool.runIt(
>        at
>        at
>        at
>2001-06-20 05:01:12 - ContextManager: Removing context Ctx( /examples )
>5:01:12 was the time where I shutdowned the tomcat server....
>I now shutdown/restart the server hourly and it seems we don't have
>unsheduled stoppings.
>Another thing is, that the servlets dont get refreshed when they are
>changed/deleted (I have reload in server.xml)..
>~>|database access is managed via a java class that is
>~>|instantiated and loaded into each clients session. every
>~>|PL/SQL function and/or SQL statement a client needs is
>~>|called in a method of this class.
>~>|first, a connection is opened, the statement is called,
>~>|all resultsets and statements are closed and finally the
>~>|connection is closed. (or returned back to the
>~>|connection pool if one is used)
>~>|the driver we use is the Oracle jdbc ThinDriver (jdbc
>~>|driver type 4). after running the system for several
>~>|days, dead connections (and as we just discovered, tons
>~>|of open cursors) pile up.
>~>|eventually the webserver(tomcat) will crash or just
>~>|in the process, access gets slower and slower, there may
>~>|be delays of 3 minutes until the webserver (or, perhaps
>~>|the database, in which case the webserver would be just
>~>|waiting for the db..) gives a response.
>~>|after a restart of the webserver or the database or
>~>|both, the system runns very well again.
>~>|we tried several connection pools. with these, there
>~>|were no delays for getting a connection, but the pool
>~>|threw timeoutExceptions (i.e. made it visible that there
>~>|are hanging connections) and after a few hundred
>~>|timeouts the VM crashed with a stack overflow.
>~>|the connections seem to get killed/kill themselfes
>~>|randomly no matter which function was called. we log the
>~>|methods and statements that were called for the
>~>|connections that die, but there is just no pattern in
>~>|it. thats why we dont find the root of the problem.. is
>~>|it the driver ? the database ? the tomcat ?
>~>|Web Server:
>~>|Suse Linux 7.2
>~>|Apache Webserver /w Tomcat JSP Engine 3.2 /w SSL
>~>|DB Server:
>~>|Suse Linux 7.2
>~>|Oracle 8i 8.1.7 /w multi-threaded server (MTS)
>~>|Backup Server:
>~>|Oracle Shadow server
>~>|things done:
>~>|- linux update
>~>|- apache update
>~>|- tomcat update
>~>|- jdbc thin driver update
>~>|(everywhere the newest version)
>~>|- tried several connection pools
>~>|possible changes:
>~>|- use OCI drivers instead of thin driver
>~>|- use J-serv with GNU_jsp instead of tomcat
>~>|every help is welcome, we're frustrated to no ends.
>~>|thanks very much in advance!!
>____________________________  __________________________________
>Ing. Jan M. STANKOVSKY      ][ +1 4277 38438 
>University of Vienna        ][ +1 4277 38449 
>Dep. of Informationssystems ][ [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>1010 Vienna                 ][

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