I was wondering if it is possible to use a logging method
other than "append to file", which seems to be the format
favored by tomcat and server.xml.

direct syslogd interface would be the most appropriate. I
have a configuration where a log.host computer is running
syslog-ng (Thus logging incoming udp datagrams on port 514),
and ideally all remote computers would be set up to use
just their own syslog, using it to forward the required
parts of the local logs to this log.host.

So, is it possible to somehow configure tomcat to use
either a pipe to logger, or directly talking to syslogd?

Kimmo Hovi (Email policy: http://www.hovi.org/mail/)
Network Specialist

CRF Box Ltd. - "for Wireless Clinical R&D"
Lonnrotinkatu 19 A
FIN-00120 Helsinki
Finland - Europe

Mobile +358 40 767 8610

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