  I had installed Tomcat 3.2.2, Apache 1.3.20 and Jetspeed 1.3a1.  Everythign was fine, except that i could not receive any mails(the mails which has secret key).  I had configured a binary version of Tomcat 3.2.2 which did not have any webadapter(mod_jk.so)
Is it essential to have mod_jk?????
  Now, i have downloaded the source for Tomcat 3.2.2, and i am unable to build the tomcat.
I am getting the error
Exception in "Main" thread : java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/tools/Main....
What may be the problem??????
And which version of jetspeed should i use for receiving the mails.
Please reply fast, as my project deadline is fast approaching.

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