You also MUST set in your "error page" the faloving tag: <%@ page
isErrorPage="true" %>

-----Original Message-----
From: Ryan Lubke [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, July 06, 2001 10:29 PM
Subject: Re: How to configure a custom page for JSP 404 errors?

Hi Pierce,

 From what I've been able to gather, you should be able to set
the error page using the <error-page> directive within the
deployment descriptor for a web app (web.xml).


Looking through the bug database, there was an open issue
regarding the use of static html pages within the <location>
tag.  I'm uncertain at this time what release it's actually fixed
in, but if you try it and get a stacktrace, then I guess you know :)

The bug report can be found here:

I did find this information in the archives.  
Try looking at the results of the following search:

I'm sure those who are more experiences could expand/correct on this 
Hope this helps.


Courtney, Pierce wrote:

>This question probably has come up before, I just can't find it in the
>I am using Tomcat 3.2.2 standalone (not with Apache).
>How can I configure a particular page (servlet, static html, or jsp) to
>the "default"
>page that comes up if the requested jsp is not found, instead of the
>In other words, if a user requests:
>I want to have somePage.jsp come up if it exists.
>But if somePage.jsp does not exist, I *don't* want the default 404
error to
>be displayed. Instead I want some custom page (a servlet actually) to
>processed. I don't really care if this is achieved with a client-side
>redirect or a server-side include/forward.
>I have tried using the DefaultServlet, which doesn't seem to work. I
>also set up my own servlet against <url-pattern> /* </url-pattern>.
>works for servlets only, not JSPs. It seems the basic problem is that
>URI that matches *.jsp. gets processed by the JspServlet.  So it is not
>determined if the .jsp file actually exists or not until the JspServlet
>Can this custom error page functionality be configured somehow in
>Thanks for any help,
>Pierce Courtney

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