The problem I've found however is that when you stop the Tomcat service, 
it takes longer to shut down than Windows expects. You get an annoying 
error message telling you it couldn't stop the service about half a 
minute or so before the service actually stops.

Holden, Mark wrote:

>Tomcat can work as an NT service and doesn't die when logging off when using
>JDK1.3.1 and using the -Xrs switch.
>I checked my tomcat running as a service and it definately had the problem
>of dying when logging off.
>Then I change the line in my to have the -Xrs switch like
>wrapper.cmd_line=$(wrapper.javabin) -Xrs -classpath $(wrapper.class_path)
>$(wrapper.startup_class) -config $(wrapper.server_xml) -home
>The problem then went away.
>I am running windows 2000 sp2 on a dual P3 550.
>I noticed that the documention for tomcat reads as this.
>"Notice for JDK 1.3 users: There is a known problem
><> in JDK
>1.3 that affects Java applications being run as Windows NT services. The bug
>causes the service to terminate when the currently logged in user logs out.
>The simplest way to work around this problem is to use JDK 1.2. If your
>application requires JDK 1.3 features then you may want to look into
>javaserv <> or JavaService
><>. Users have reported
>success with both of these packages but there may be others that work as
>well. "
>The bug was fixed in JDK1.3.1.  
>You may want to update the documentation so that others can use this switch.
>Here is some documentation that came with JDK1.3.1...
>Bug 4323062: Any Windows NT Service embedding Java VM aborts when user logs
>This bug has been fixed in J2SDK 1.3.1. In order to enable the fix, the -Xrs
>command-line option must be passed to the JVM. The additional command line
>argument is necessary because the fix necessarily disables the J2SDK 1.3
>shutdown hooks mechanism and forbids the use of the sun.misc.Signal class.
>For more background, please see at least the last section of the evaluation
>on the Bug Parade: 
>Mark Holden

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