
I just tried to build and install mod_jk from the Tomcat 3.2 source
distribution.  I'm running YellowDog Linux 1.2 (which is pretty much RedHat
6 for the PowerPC).

First, from the unpacked TOMCAT_SOURCE/src/native/apache1.3 directory I ran:

apxs -o mod_jk.so -I../jk -I$JAVA_HOME/include -I$JAVA_HOME/include/linux -c
*.c ../jk/*.c

and I got an error at jk_jni_worker.c saying that it couldn't find jni_md.h
in the /include directory.  I looked and found that file in the
/include/linux directory... So, I put a copy in the /include directory and
ran the apxs command again.

This time it went through what seemed like all the C files and then at the
very end starts listing -o mod_jk.so jk_worker.o and all the
jk_'something'.o files.  It lists all of the *.o files from the
/src/native/jk directory and then stops with rc=255 and gives me back the
Bash prompt.

Any ideas?



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