
Can you include a copy of ps x command output and top please? Also, who's jdk 
ru using? Sun's or blackdown?

This sounds very strange as I upgraded on mandrake fine. You might wanna 
recheck the path variable and make sure that the new java is at the beginning 
of the path var, else if u also point across an older version it will use 


On Wednesday 11 July 2001 15:03, you wrote:
> I installed jdk 1.3.1 on my linux box to support tomcat, and set the PATH
> variable accordingly.  However, now the instances of my server don't start
> up and java hangs.  (The TOP command shows that java is consuming 97% of my
> CPU!!!).  Has anybody seen this behaviour before?  If so, what is the
> remedy?
> Thanks!
> Dan
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