
Doesn't look like mod_jk is built / configured correctly. Try re-building it 
(check http://willow.cc.edu/adminguide for builds)


On Wednesday 11 July 2001 10:56, you wrote:
> Hi,
> I am having problems getting tomcat 3.2.2 to work on a Solaris server with
> apache 1.3.20. There is a couple of issues that I am not sure if they are
> related. Any help would be appreciated.
> The first problem is that tomcat logs the stdout and stderr to the user who
> starts the service. I have set the wrapper.properties to
> wrapper.stdout=$(wrapper.tomcat_home)/logs/jvm.stdout
> wrapper.stderr=$(wrapper.tomcat_home)/logs/jvm.stderr
> Tomcat terminates when the user who starts tomcat logs off the server. I
> start tomcat as the www user eg
> su - www -c "/usr/local/jakarta-tomcat-3.2.2/bin/tomcat.sh start"
> Despite this tomcat logs to the users consol who runs this command.
> I am also getting errors coming out in the mod_jk.log which are as follows.
> [jk_connect.c (143)]: jk_open_socket, connect() failed errno = 146
> [jk_ajp12_worker.c (152)]: In jk_endpoint_t::service, Error sd = -1
> [jk_uri_worker_map.c (335)]: jk_uri_worker_map_t::uri_worker_map_close,
> NULL parameter
> [jk_uri_worker_map.c (185)]: In jk_uri_worker_map_t::uri_worker_map_free,
> NULL parameters
> Are these errors related.
> Any help in resolving these issues would be appreciated.
> Regards
> Neil

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