Hi Zhang!

zhang heng chong wrote:
>     I am sorry for interrupted you.
>     I have a question about software copyright.
>     I downloaded tomcat,apache from "jakarta.apache.org",and I read licence. I am 
>puzzled whether those softwares can be used by a profit-making company website .

Yes, it can. You can use the software for any purpose you like.

You accept to use Tomcat at your own risk: that means that you cannot
blame whatever problems you find on the Apache Group. Say, if your
entire hard disk is wiped out by Tomcat, you cannot sue them.

You cannot use the names 'Apache' or 'Tomcat' to endorse your product.
That means you cannot announce your company as 'wonderfulsite.com --
endorsed by Apache', or 'wonderfulsite.com -- the preferred Tomcat

If you want to distribute Tomcat, you must follow the conditions
expressed in the license: do not remove copyright notices nor authorship

Un saludo,


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