Reynir Hübner wrote:

> does anyone know how this(note: Class-reloading) is in tomcat 4 ?
> thanx
> -r
> [...]

Hi :-)

* Servlet-auto-reloading in TC4.0b5
   from my work,  Servlet-auto-reloading works well, but just from my
   testing, if I put MyServlet in both:
      - WEB-INF/classes (unpacked class-style)
      - a jar file in WEB-INF/lib (packed jar-style)
  then when I updated MyServlet in WEB-INF/classes, I can not auto-reload
  the new one. I have posted a email to describe my testing several days
  in other cases, I can auto-reload MyServlet.

* UtilityClassUsedByServlet-auto-reloading
   I remember(?) it is same with the above

* Jsp-auto-reloading
   I didn't test

* UtilityClassUsedByJsp-auto-reloading
   I didn't test

* reference email
   The one and only place from which automatic reloading will work is
   unpacked classes in WEB-INF/classes of your own web app.  No changes
   to any classes or JAR files *anywhere* else are recognized.

   However, you can trigger a reload manually on any app -- whether or not
   you've set the "reloadable" attribute -- by using the Manager

my understanding to above email is:
- the 1st way for auto-reloading:
  % first I need to set the "reloadable" attribute to "true" in
  % packed class(jar) will not be auto-reloaded, no matter whereever thay
  % only unpacked-classes(MyServlet, MyJSP?, MyUtility)  in WEB-INF/classes
      can be auto-reloaded
- the 2nd way for auto-reloading:
   "by using the Manager application"

July 19, 2001

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