On Thursday 19 July 2001 15:43 pm, you wrote:
> > -----Original Message-----
> > MyThread x = new MyThraad();
> > x.run();
> >
> > calls the run method (containing the class that has problems
> > being created)
> > within the current Thread, ie no new Thread is started, This
> > is when the
> > problem 'goes away'.
> Ok, I have written threads in C,C++(not in Java) but I am missing something
> thats seems very basic here. so what you are saying is that run() is not
> really creating a new thread, but really just creating an object named
> 'MyThread' that happens to have a run() method? This would indicate that it
> is not a new thread, but just a method(run()) from another class(MyThread)
> that is called within the same thread.

Yes. I deliberately did this to try and work out what was going on. I agree 
with your ClassLoader explanation. I'll look into it.

But, when TC calls my ServletContextListener (this was defined as a listener 
within the web.xml) it *should* provide the ClassLoade for that application. 
My listener was part of an application and giving it a different ClassLoader 
is wrong. In my humble opinion :-)


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