Help! I'm having problems installing Tomcat 4 on a WinNT 4 machine.

I dloaded the binary code and added my JAVA_HOME (to JRE 1.3.1) and
TOMCAT_HOME paths. I have "c:\jdk1.3.1\lib\tools.jar" appended to my
CLASSPATH. When I type "http://localhost:8080";, I get the Tomcat default
page. When I try to execute a JSP, I get the following error:
A Servlet Exception Has Occurred
Exception Report:
javax.servlet.ServletException: sun/tools/javac/Main
        at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet.service(
        at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(

What am I doing wrong? I am not a system administrator, so please be
patient. I just want to install Tomcat so I can install Cocoon2 and do some
XML programming. Help!

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