The sub-directory in your url is controlled by the mapping in your server.xml 
file under the tomcat/conf directory.  Look in server.xml, near the bottom.  
You must have a mapping (servlet context) setup for satheonline or Tomcat 
won't be able to find the servlet. 
If you have no mappings setup, i.e. you're using the default, just get rid of 
the satheonline in your url and it should find the servlet just fine. 
Also, Tomcat comes with a "test" context that contains their 
HelloWorldExample.  If that is the example you're trying to run, then just 
replace satheonline part of the url with "test"

On Monday 30 July 2001 03:31 am, you wrote:
> hi
> I m using tomcat 3.1 but I am unable to run servlets in tomcat
> Is there any configuration problem.
> I have added the following line in my /tomcat/binary/conf/server.xml file
> and created a webapp "satheonline " under /tomcat/binary/webapps/
> <Context path="/satheonline" docBase="webapps/satheonline" debug="0"
> reloadable="true" >
> </Context>
> Then I have created the following directory structure under sathonline:
> satheonline(contains all html files )------Meta-inf
>                                      ------web-inf----classes (contains
> servlet class files)
> Besides the web.xml file in web-inf contains the following
>  <servlet>
>         <servlet-name>
>            helloworldexample
>         </servlet-name>
>         <servlet-class>
>             HelloWorldExample
>         </servlet-class>
>     </servlet>
> The server starts fine. But when I type
> http://localhost:8080/satheonline/servlet/HelloWorldExample it gives a 404
> error
> what is missing ?
> thanks
> amit sathe

Richard Draucker [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Remote Data Support For Web Developers

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