On Sunday 29 July 2001 10:42 am, you wrote:

> One thing I can ask to you guys is, do you want me to strip HTML out of
> your messages and reject emails only with HTML content type? Plenary vote
> open until 11:59 PM GMT of Monday 07/30/2001.

>  [ >X<] +1 -> Plain Text only. Strip HTML on the mailing list.

> [ ]  0 -> I don't give a damn shit.
> [ ] -1 -> You mad? I love HTML in messages and want to keep using it.

I'd emphasize it more if I could.  HTML also comes with it's share of 
security headaches for those with HTML enabled email clients.

David Smith, CISSP
Network Operations Supervisor
Cornell University Department of Entomology
2121 Comstock Hall
Ithaca, NY  14853
Phone: (607) 255-9571
Fax: (607) 255-0939

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