  Following is taken from the readme for 3.2 and is probably
what the person was referring to 
"6.11 Misconfiguration Can Cause CPU-Bound Loop
If you misconfigure Tomcat 3.2 in a way that there is no valid context to
handle a request (such as removing the root context and then attempting a
request that should be handled by that context), Tomcat will enter a CPU-bound
loop instead of responding with a 404 error.
Workaround:  kill the offending Tomcat process and correct your server.xml
file such that there is a properly configured root context."

Haven't checked whether this is still an issue for 3.2.3 but at least you 
know now where this advice is coming from even if it doesn't help ;-)


On Fri, 03 Aug 2001, you wrote:
> I know there have been some discussion a few weeks ago.  That is when I
> was just getting started with tomcat.  A person refered to the a section
> in the readme file 6.11.  My readme file 6.11 deals with SSL and APJ12?
> My problem is that 100% of my cpu is taken up after tomcat has been
> running for a while.
> tomcat v3.2.3
> iis
> nt4
> If the answer should be in the documentation please point me in the
> right direction, but it is not in the readme file under 6.11
> Thanks.
> Joe

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