What version of tomcat?

Alexander Cherinko wrote:

> Hi
> problem is that when I mark servlets as load-on-startup they are loaded
> twice in jvm.
> I want this servlet to serve as initializer i.e. to initialize some other
> classes in its init method.
> The worst is that that classes are double loaded too. I.e. I want to init
> class which is Thread subclass to perform periodical custom action. As
> result I have double threads running in jvm and making the same things! That
> was obviousely not my real intention.
> >From the other hand when I launch that initializer from common servlet (not
> loaded on startup) the problem is not present.
> The most strange thing about it is that in both cases all classes are loaded
> with the same ClassLoader.
> I cannot understand is it a bug or just I don't understand something.
> Please help.
> --Che

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