Before you dwelve into connecting Tomcat and Apache, you need to know
what is the TCP socket, and what is TCP server and TCP client.

In the case of connection mod_jk connector between Apache and Tomcat,
Tomcat is the TCP server and Apache is the TCP client.
And for this to work nicely, you need to start Tomcat first, and then
start Apache. 
Of course, when you include (what you should not do: you should copy
to some file, and include this file) config files (e.g.,
automatically created by Tomcat, then obviously, you cannot include
what was not yet created.


On Fri, 17 Aug 2001, Roberto B. wrote:

> I have a Linux/Debian system.
> I want to use Apache as web-server and Tomcat only for JSP file.
> Is it true that it is necessary to make start Tomcat before Apache? Why?..
> and if it is true.. how??
> Thanks!
> Roberto.

Jan K. Labanowski            |    phone: 614-292-9279,  FAX: 614-292-7168
Ohio Supercomputer Center    |    Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
1224 Kinnear Rd,             |
Columbus, OH 43212-1163      |

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