
hmmm... yep - think you might be onto it there (o:  ok... just been
re-reading the docs, and to be honest I'm not sure what the 


block is about, because I cant find that class either - I would have
expected it to be in webserver.jar... anyway, what I think you should do
is take that out.. .and put this in:

        <Connector className="org.apache.tomcat.service.PoolTcpConnector">
name="handler"  value="org.apache.tomcat.service.connector.Ajp13ConnectionHandler"/>
          <Parameter name="port" value="8009"/>

pop that under the similar entry to Ajp12.  Note thats a Connector not a
RequestInterceptor.  I'm not a tc developer, so wont be able to go into
detail, just making sure we get it right.  Anyway, that should (fingers
crossed) sort things out (o:

On the other hand, you could also try changing your JkMounts from to use
the ajp12 worker instead of ajp13.  but try putting the above in
server.xml first and see how you go.


On Tue, 21 Aug 2001,
Bernier, Melanie wrote:

> Hi Dmitri,
> I can't find anything useful in the logs:-(
> As I was reading the documentation from my colleague, I remembered something
> about RequestInterceptor.  I read somewhere on the documentation for ajp13
> connection to add in the server.xml :
>  <RequestInterceptor
>        className="org.apache.tomcat.modules.server.Ajp13Interceptor"
>        port="8009"/>
> When I tried it, I was getting
> FATAL: configuration error
> java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
> org.apache.tomcat.modules.server.Ajp13Interceptor ...........(and
> blablabla).
> Could that be related to my problem?
> mel

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