On Tue, 21 Aug 2001, Kevin HaleBoyes wrote:

> What should the behaviour be if I call forward() on
> a RequestDispatcher that (I know) doesn't exist?
>   (Ya, ya, I get the same behaviour as if I didn't know
>    it doesn't exist :-)
> For example:
>    getServletContext().
>       getRequestDispatcher("/I_know_this_page_doesnt_exist.html").
>          forward(request, response);
> I would expect a NullPointerException but that is not what I get.
> Instead, I see the following output in my browser window (Mozilla 0.92):
>    <html><body></body></html>
> Or "The document contains no data" from Netscape 4.7.
> And, if I use lwp-request I get a 404 error which is reasonable.
> What "should" I get?
> The javadoc for ServletContext says:
>    "This method returns null if the ServletContext cannot
>     return a RequestDispatcher for any reason."
> But I'm not sure what that reason might be given that a bogus URL
> doesn't seem to do it.  Also, the spec doesn't say anything about
> bad URLs.

I *like* the interesting questions :-).

The answer depends on a precise understanding of what the spec says.  It
says that you get a RequestDispatcher for the servlet that will handle
the request URI you specify.  In Tomcat, there is an implicit mapping like

    <servlet-name> default </servlet-name>
    <url-pattern> / <url-pattern>

which says, in effect, "the 'default' servlet handles *all* requests that
are not mapped to anything else".  Thus, there will never be a URL for
which you cannot return a RequestDispatcher.

When you actually try to RequestDispatcher.forward() to this, you will get
a 404 error, just as if you'd asked for it directly.

> Thanks,
> Kevin.


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