--- Denis Haskin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I wonder if it's a bug just with directory listing?  Can you get to 
> servlets or JSP pages via the rewrite rule?
> What happens when you do the rewritten url with a trailing slash
> (e.g.  http://localhost/rewrite/examples/)?  

That doesn't work either, it's the same problem: Tomcat sees only the
original URL, not the rewritten URL.

I even tried commenting out the AddModule lines for all but the
absolute minimum required Apache modules: mod_so, mod_alias, mod_jk,
and mod_rewrite. Incidentally, I discovered that mod_jk must be loaded
after mod_alias, otherwise URLs are not passed to mod_jk and instead
one sees the source code for the JSP files.

> Apologies that I couldn't be more help...

Thanks for your help anyway. I will try posting to the developer list.

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