
Try initializing the paths in your startup files.  I initialize (and export) my
TOMCAT_HOME and JAVA_HOME in /etc/profile.  This initializes it for all users
which may not be needed.  If you wanted to set this on a user basis use the
.profile file (our equivalent startup file for your shell) in your home
directory.  Remember in ksh, sh and the like you need to export the variable
after it has been set for the value to be made available to other processes.

Mike Kollier

Hugo Hendriks wrote:

> Hi,
> I've been trying to install Tomcat 3.2.3 on my redhat7.1 machine but i can't
> get it to work. I have installed java1.2.1, but the point where I get stuck
> is where I have to edit my path and set the environment variables. When i
> set the path to the java directory it looks oke, but when i check it again,
> it's back to normal. Also the part about the environment variables is a
> little bit vague. When I try to start the I get a permission
> denied. Can somebody give me please a small explanation.
> thanks
> Hugo

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