Hello all,

I use Tomcat 3.2.3 on Solaris 2.6 with Apache 1.3.20
and i have a context who have this settings :

<Context path="/semir" 

the problem i that i have a jsp page located under this 
context and that sometimes when i update the page (for
example adding a line of text), the changes aren't visible/
are not take in consideration by the server. the page isn't
even recompiled as a class as i can see in the workdir of tomcat 
(ls -l, the access time of the java file change but not the class file).
Other jsp in the directory works.

So the only solution i have found for make the job is to copy the 
original page (for example guide.jsp) to another name (for example
access the page guide3.jsp and then copy the guide3.jsp page to the 
original page (guide.jsp). After this manipulation the original page
display the changes that i have made on it. [there is also the solution
restart the tomcat server but it's not a good solution for a server that
i want to use as a production server one day. and the other solution
(touch guide.jsp) don't work in this case]

So my question is : Have you already seen this problem : the automatic 
recompilation of jsp after modification don't work, even after a touch
on the file ?
Please let me now, i will open a bug report if this is the case (and if
i can
reproduce the bug but i haven't understand how the bug come)

Thanks per advance for any answer,

Ludovic MAITRE

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