I am trying to get apache setup with four virtual hosts that send requests
for .jsp files to four separate tomcat workers.  I am using mod_jk to do
this with the commands below in my httpd.conf file.  My problem is that
mod_jk seems to only pay attention to the first set of JKMount commands.  So
the end result is that ALL my virtual hosts get sent to the worker called

I am using Tomcat 3.2.3 and the mod_jk from the following URL:

Any help would be greatly appreciated!  I KNOW this can be done as the
Tomcat documentation tells me how to do it with mod_jserv.

<VirtualHost *>
    ServerAdmin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    DocumentRoot d:/webdocs/service
    ServerName service.int.mydomain.com
    ErrorLog d:/logs/service/apache/error.log
    CustomLog d:/logs/service/apache/access.log common
    JkMount /*.jsp service
    JkMount /servlet/* service

<VirtualHost *>
    ServerAdmin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    DocumentRoot d:/webdocs/demo
    ServerName demo.int.mydomain.com
    ErrorLog d:/logs/demo/apache/error.log
    CustomLog d:/logs/demo/apache/access.log common
    JkMount /*.jsp demo
    JkMount /servlet/* demo

<VirtualHost *>
    ServerAdmin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    DocumentRoot d:/webdocs/store
    ServerName store.int.mydomain.com
    ErrorLog d:/logs/store/apache/error.log
    CustomLog d:/logs/store/apache/access.log common
    JkMount /*.jsp store
    JkMount /servlet/* store

<VirtualHost *>
    ServerAdmin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    DocumentRoot d:/webdocs/payment
    ServerName payment.int.mydomain.com
    ErrorLog d:/logs/payment/apache/error.log
    CustomLog d:/logs/payment/apache/access.log common
    JkMount /*.jsp payment
    JkMount /servlet/* payment


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