>Hi (.*),
>       Hope all is well around the globe.
>       We've been doing some stress testing here with Tomcat 
>3.2.3 operating
>       in standalone mode and with apache via the mod_jk ajp13 
>       We've noticed something interesting which we're not sure about.
>       Tomcat running our application standalone can handle 70 
>       users, with a TcpPoolConnector thread pool set to 150. 
>When we run the
>       same test via Apache/ajp13, the thread pool is quickly exhausted
>       (logged in tomcat.log)

You may have find something interesting. 

Could you check via netstat in that situation how many ajp connections
are in CLOSE-WAIT ?

>       Is this normal operation ? Should an ajp13 connector 
>consume more tomcat threads than standalone tomcat ?

http native connector (HTTP/1.0) close connection at end of
request. In ajp13 the connections between apache and tomcat
are persistant. What I didn't understand is how you could 
have 150 ajp13 connections to handle only 70 clients ?
Stay tuned

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