What you are trying to do isn't quite supported by Tomcat 3.2.x.
The name of the auto-generated config file is not configurable, so
the second Tomcat instance steps on the first's.  I would recommend
renaming the config file after starting each instance of Tomcat.
Whenever a context is added or removed, repeat this process.

Running multiple instances is better supported in Tomcat 3.3.
The auto-generated file is written by a module (a.k.a interceptor)
in the server.xml.  Parameters may be specified, which include
the name of the config file to write and where to write it.
Your two server.xml files could specify different file names
to avoid overwriting each other.


P.S. There are many other configuration enhancements besides
this one in Tomcat 3.3.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Abhijat Thakur [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, September 05, 2001 7:42 PM
> Subject: Multiple Tomcat Instances
> Hi,
> I need to run multiple instances of Tomcat on Apache. As mentioned in
> documentation i have the two server.xml  files specifying two 
> different
> ports. Tomcat starts fine with the two server.xml files.
> I might be wrong when it comes to changes in Apache 
> configuration that need
> to be done when multiple instances of tomcat need to be run.In Apache
> changes need to be made to mod_jk.conf.auto (since this is included in
> apaches httpd.conf) so that we can tell mod_jk module which 
> instance will
> handle which request. Now mod_jk.conf.auto is an auto generated file
> everytime tomcat starts up so if i make any changes they will 
> be overridden.
> How can this be handled? Just to see if multiple instances of 
> tomcat work i
> addded the contexts in the mod_jk.conf.auto. It still did not 
> work. Are
> there any steps that are missing.
> Thanks
> Abhijat Thakur
> bDNA Corporation

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