|[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Apache Software Foundation\Jakarta Isapi
|"extension_uri"="/jakarta/isapi_redirect.dll "
You should probably remove the space after the .dll in your registry. That's
what would cause the +.

-----Original Message-----
From: Christopher Biow [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 10 September 2001 16:59
Subject: Win2K isapi_redirect.dll+ 404, jk_ajp12_worker.c never called

I've followed
<http://jakarta.apache.org/tomcat/tomcat-3.2-doc/tomcat-iis-howto.html> to
the letter, triple-checked each step, rebooted twice, and still get 404s on
localhost:80. Here are the symptoms:

- <http://localhost:8080/examples/jsp/index.html> works, as do the servlets
- green arrow on the jakarta filter, which I've added to Default Web Site
- jakarta virtual directory is present with execute permission for scripts
  and executables
- request for <http://localhost/examples/jsp/index.html> is 404
- IIS log shows a rather curious "+" sign after the DLL name and 404
  result. The only instances that I can find on the Web of the plus sign
  in IIS logs relate to others who have had this problem, none of whom
  report a solution.
- tomcat-isapi.log indicates that jk_isapi_plugin.c HttpFilterProc is
  parsing the path "should redirect to ajp12"
- jk_ajp12_worker.c is never called in isapi_redirect.dll (so Tomcat never
  gets the task).

TIA for any suggestions.

IIS log:
|#Software: Microsoft Internet Information Services 5.0
|#Version: 1.0
|#Date: 2001-09-10 15:17:55
|#Fields: time c-ip cs-method cs-uri-stem sc-status
|15:17:55 GET /jakarta/isapi_redirect.dll+ 404

|Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
|[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Apache Software Foundation]
|[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Apache Software Foundation\Jakarta Isapi
|[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Apache Software Foundation\Jakarta Isapi
|"extension_uri"="/jakarta/isapi_redirect.dll "

|[jk_uri_worker_map.c (156)]: Into jk_uri_worker_map_t::uri_worker_map_alloc
|[jk_uri_worker_map.c (196)]: Into jk_uri_worker_map_t::uri_worker_map_open
|[jk_uri_worker_map.c (211)]: jk_uri_worker_map_t::uri_worker_map_open, rule
map size is 2
|[jk_uri_worker_map.c (267)]: Into jk_uri_worker_map_t::uri_worker_map_open,
match rule /servlet/=ajp12 was added
|[jk_uri_worker_map.c (267)]: Into jk_uri_worker_map_t::uri_worker_map_open,
match rule /examples/=ajp12 was added
|[jk_uri_worker_map.c (296)]: Into jk_uri_worker_map_t::uri_worker_map_open,
there are 2 rules
|[jk_uri_worker_map.c (317)]: jk_uri_worker_map_t::uri_worker_map_open, done
|[jk_worker.c (82)]: Into wc_open
|[jk_worker.c (207)]: Into build_worker_map, creating 2 workers
|[jk_worker.c (213)]: build_worker_map, creating worker ajp12
|[jk_worker.c (138)]: Into wc_create_worker
|[jk_worker.c (152)]: wc_create_worker, about to create instance ajp12 of
|[jk_ajp12_worker.c (264)]: Into ajp12_worker_factory
|[jk_worker.c (161)]: wc_create_worker, about to validate and init ajp12
|[jk_ajp12_worker.c (182)]: Into jk_worker_t::validate
|[jk_ajp12_worker.c (194)]: In jk_worker_t::validate for worker ajp12
contact is localhost:8007
|[jk_worker.c (177)]: wc_create_worker, done
|[jk_worker.c (223)]: build_worker_map, removing old ajp12 worker
|[jk_worker.c (213)]: build_worker_map, creating worker ajp13
|[jk_worker.c (138)]: Into wc_create_worker
|[jk_worker.c (152)]: wc_create_worker, about to create instance ajp13 of
|[jk_ajp13_worker.c (711)]: Into ajp23_worker_factory
|[jk_worker.c (161)]: wc_create_worker, about to validate and init ajp13
|[jk_ajp13_worker.c (386)]: Into jk_worker_t::validate
|[jk_ajp13_worker.c (399)]: In jk_worker_t::validate for worker ajp13
contact is localhost:8009
|[jk_ajp13_worker.c (425)]: Into jk_worker_t::init
|[jk_worker.c (177)]: wc_create_worker, done
|[jk_worker.c (223)]: build_worker_map, removing old ajp13 worker
|[jk_worker.c (235)]: build_worker_map, done
|[jk_worker.c (102)]: wc_open, done
|[jk_isapi_plugin.c (408)]: HttpFilterProc started
|[jk_isapi_plugin.c (429)]: In HttpFilterProc test redirection of
|[jk_uri_worker_map.c (345)]: Into jk_uri_worker_map_t::map_uri_to_worker
|[jk_uri_worker_map.c (407)]: jk_uri_worker_map_t::map_uri_to_worker, Found
a match ajp12
|[jk_isapi_plugin.c (439)]: HttpFilterProc [/examples/jsp/index.html] is a
servlet url - should redirect to ajp12
|[jk_isapi_plugin.c (461)]: HttpFilterProc check if
[/examples/jsp/index.html] is points to the web-inf directory

workers.properties (comments stripped):

|worker.list=ajp12, ajp13
|worker.loadbalancer.balanced_workers=ajp12, ajp13


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