I haven't tested this using the configuration files or not, so, I can't
verify whether that's a problem or not, but, failing that, you can use
HttpSession.setMaxInactiveInterval() from within your Web application.
Actually, I should probably test this myself to make sure that it's still
working OK.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Jim Urban" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Tomcat-User" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, September 20, 2001 7:15 AM
Subject: FW: Tomcat 4.0 Session Timeout

> OK, I've spent the 30 minutes browsing the Tomcat 4.0 documentation and I
> can't find it.  How do I set the session time out for a context in Tomcat
> 4.0.  The session time out is defaulting to 18000 seconds (5 hours?).  I
> have tried adding the following to both my context's WEB-INF/web.xml file
> and the $CATALINA_HOME/conf/web.xml file but both are ignored.
>   <session-config>
> <session-timeout>300</session-timeout>
>   </session-config>
> How do I go about setting the time out to 5 minutes?
> Thanks,
> Jim Urban
> Product Manager
> Netsteps Inc.
> Suite 505E
> 1 Pierce Pl.
> Itasca, IL  60143
> Voice:  (630) 250-3045 x2164
> Fax:  (630) 250-3046
> PS:  Love Tomcat 4.0, it seems really solid!

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