Nathan Pfrimmer wrote:

>I don't think my Apache-Tomcat connection is working.
>If I add the line:
>Include "d:\jakarta-tomcat-3.2.3\conf\tomcat.conf"
>to the Apache/conf/httpd.conf file (as directed by the documentation), and
>then try to start the Apache server I get an error pop-up box:
>"Microsoft Management Console - Could not start the Apache service on Local
>Computer.  The service did not return an error.  This could be an internal
>Windows error or an internal service error.  If the problem persists,
>contact your system administrator."
>Windows 2000
>Apache 1.3
>Tomcat 3.2.3
>Nathan Pfrimmer
>Co-op Student
>Professional Services, Central Europe
>Open Text Corporation
>Munich, Germany
You will have to start Tomcat before starting Apache. Did you do that?


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