On Thu, 4 Oct 2001, James Turner wrote:

> Date: Thu, 4 Oct 2001 00:14:17 -0400
> From: James Turner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Quick question?
> Do you happen to know what directory Turbine tries to load
> TurbineResources.properties from if you specify "." as the path in new
> TurbineConfig?

If it is using file I/O to read the config file (don't have a clue ... ask
the Turbine list) then it will try to resolve this against the current
working directory of the servlet container.  In other words, this will
vary depending on which container (and which version of the container) you
are using.  It also depends on whether you used the standard startup
scripts or not, and whether you had the TOMCAT_HOME or CATALINA_HOME
environment variable preset or not .......

Webapps that want to be portable should read config files using
ServletContext.getResource() instead.

> Thanks,
> James

Craig McClanahan

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