
We have developed a JSP based application based on tomcat 3.2.3. This
application requires different level of administration and requires users
to login. We would like to develop a custom authentication module for
authenticating users against NIS login/password database. I've already
developed a C program which checks if a given login/password is correct
but it is not clear how to integrate this C program with tomcat. This C
program runs as root (setuid !) and takes the login name and password in
input using a pipe and returns true or false if the login/password pair is
correct or not.

We have had a look at extending the SecurityCheck class but it seems that
the SecurityCheck class does not exist anymore in tomcat 3.2.3 ? Has a new
class superseded the SecurityCheck class and is there some kind of
documentation about this new class ? I would be grateful for any
information !

Thanks !

Thierry & Mathilde.

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