Not sure if this is related or not.
I'm getting  broken pipe:

[Wed Oct 17 08:56:01 2001] [error] [client] File does not
exist: /home/httpd/html/unsub/<a href=
[Wed Oct 17 09:11:29 2001] [error] server reached MaxClients setting,
consider raising the MaxClients setting
[Wed Oct 17 09:29:05 2001] [error] (32)Broken pipe: accept: (client socket)
[Wed Oct 17 09:29:06 2001] [error] (32)Broken pipe: accept: (client socket)
[Wed Oct 17 09:29:14 2001] [error] (32)Broken pipe: accept: (client socket)
[Wed Oct 17 10:06:00 2001] [error] (32)Broken pipe: accept: (client socket)
[Wed Oct 17 10:24:34 2001] [error] (32)Broken pipe: accept: (client socket)
[Wed Oct 17 10:43:02 2001] [error] (32)Broken pipe: accept: (client socket)
[Wed Oct 17 10:43:03 2001] [error] (32)Broken pipe: accept: (client socket)

but i think that this is a different pipe than yours ?

this completely takes tomcat down until I restart.

on 10/18/01 2:39 PM, Tony Mueller at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm using Tomcat 3.2 and I get the message:
> Context log: path="/rpm" Broken pipe /rpm/servlet/rpm.Login
> Context log: path="/rpm" Broken pipe /rpm/servlet/rpm.Login
> Context log: path="/rpm" Broken pipe /rpm/servlet/rpm.Login
> Context log: path="/rpm" Broken pipe /rpm/servlet/rpm.Login
> in my tomcat.log file when I try to access my login servlet.
> This only happens occasionally and makes tomcat hang.
> I've read the archives and none of the proposed solutions seem to apply
> to my situation since I'm not using any connection broker in this servlet.
> Also each call to the servlet establishes a connection and then
> disconnects so my problem is not related to a connection timing out due
> to any servlet inactivity.
> In addition I've checked during this hang to see if I'm running out
> of db connections. I'm not.
> Also what is interesting, If I wait about 2 minutes the servlet
> will finally connect and let my application continue on is merry way
> (much to the annoyance of my users)
> I'm sure others are having this problem or have had this problem and
> found a solution.
> Thanks 
> Tony Mueller

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