
I can't get the <security-role-ref> to work in Tomcat 4 with the
security JSP.

I have added the following

  if (request.isUserInRole("Admin")) {
    User is in Admin role
  } else {
    User is NOT in Admin role

to jsp/security/protected/index.jsp in the distribution to Tomcat 4.

As security-role-ref is part of a servlet element of web.xml how do you
specify this with a JSP.

I tried adding the following to web.xml

            <description>Link between Admin and sysadmin</description>

My user authenticates and is given the role 'Tomcat' but the Realm
hasRole() method is called with 'Admin'.

The code in HttpRequestBase does

    public boolean isUserInRole(String role) {
        if (wrapper != null) {
            String realRole = wrapper.findSecurityReference(role);
            if ((realRole != null) &&
                realm.hasRole(userPrincipal, realRole))
                return (true);

to map the servlet role to security-role so I guess I have not got
web.xml set up properly.

Any ideas?

Antony Bowesman
Teamware Group 
phone: +358 9 5128 2562
fax  : +358 9 5128 2705

intra / extra / Internet solutions at www.teamware.com

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